Sister Monica asked the class what they wanted to be when they grew up. "I want to be a Priest" said Liam, with an angelic look in his face. "I want to be a Nun" said Deidre, her eyes bright "I want to be a Prostitute" said Siobhan ... "You WHAT?!!" exclaimed Sister Monica in horror.... "I want to b...
Now based in "Sylly Suffolk", I seem to have been moving eastwards all my life - but I hope to change that in the next year or two and fly south. I was a temporary resident in London (only 19 years) before moving here to avoid the millenium bug (remember that?!!) "European" by birth, marriage and in...
:wave: As said, the world is smaller and has been corrupted by tourism and commerce. In 1981 I flew to Agadir in Morocco - it had been rebuilt after an earthquake in the 60's and was now like ANY mediterranean resort. I hated it and remember asking on the first evening "Where do the Moroccans live?"...
"But Grandma, I don't want to go on an official visit to Alaska!" said Prince Harry "It's too cold!!"
The Queen replied, "Wear the fox hat"
"Near Canada" said Harry
Seamus was hosting his Texan cousin on the farm in Mayo and was a bit jaded by his guests continuous comparisons with things "back home in the US". Rolling home from the pub, the cousin says "You know, back home my ranch is so big, why, I can get in my car at dawn and drive until nightfall and still...
(Last one of the night :silent: ) Seamus went to visit his dog's grave. So he called his cousin and said "D'ye know there's a fella of 136 buried by the side of the road?" :? "Ye wha'," says the cousin "By the side of the road? Did he have no family?" :eh: "Not around here anyways" says Seamus "All ...
... but back to Seamus. There he was, in the country, with only his old jack russell for company - and then the dog dies. So Seamus goes to the Priest and says "Father Murphy, would ye say a mass for me poor old dog's repose" "Ah now, Seamus" says the Priest "we can't be saying prayers for animals i...
I have voted no. The Royal Engineers had a tag motto "Honi saeque male asbestos" - dog-latin for "blow you Jack, I'm fireproof" and I sense that sentiment amongst some here...... but it's not for me. After nearly forty years work, I'm doing OK and, yes, I can "do the math" sufficiently to be solvent...