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Last Nlight of the Proms flags

Posted: Tue Sep 12 2023 11:58am
by blythburgh
The hard wing Brexiteers who believe in freedom of speech but only if they agree with it are furious abut the flags.

Fact: a group handed out EU flags to people

I assume: a group handed out Union Jacks to people

If I could stand in the centre of the Albert Hall that night I would be waving an EU flag.

Would I do it because I had been given that flag? No way, Jose. I mean if I had accepted a flag and found out it was had a swastika on it I would have dropped to the floor not waved it because I had it. People made a conscious choice to wave the EU flag, the Union Flag or both of them.

The people with the EU flag were not traitors, the real traitors are those who peddled lies and distortions that convinced people to vote for Brexit.

Re: Last Nlight of the Proms flags

Posted: Tue Sep 12 2023 7:18pm
by Chadwick
It is bizarre that the BBC is somehow at fault for "allowing" this to happen.
It would be more appropriate to investigate and punish the public for exercising their freedom of spee-- oh, wait.