Qualifying for cashback at gaming sites

Some of our offers consist of joining gaming sites and staking money in order to qualify for your reward.

Due to the potential for abuse of these offers, the merchants frequently decline to pay rewards where they believe that the account has been opened purely to benefit from our offer, rather than out of a genuine interest in their product. Patterns of behaviour likely to result in declined transactions may include:

- Depositing / wagering a small amount. Always check the conditions of the cashback offer displayed on our site
- Depositing and then immediately withdrawing without wagering
- Trying to withdraw before meeting the terms of any bonus offer (e.g. wagering requirement)
- Only playing one game (e.g. Blackjack) for the entire wagering requirement and to an 'optimal' strategy
- Repeated contact with customer services re: bonus terms / when to withdraw etc
- Withdrawing immediately after meeting the minimum wager requirements (either in terms of amount wagered or time)

As with all our offers, there is never any guarantee that your transaction will be tracked and validated (though we will ALWAYS honour your reward so long as we receive payment from the merchant for your transaction). With gaming offers, this point needs particular emphasis.

And also remember that (as with all our partners) you should not contact the merchant directly about reward-related issues; submit a claim or a query here instead.

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