Sharing deals and posts

We encourage you to share interesting offers and forum posts with people you know and on other sites you use, and we've made this easy for you with our Quick Share links. On various parts of the imutual website, you will see the following icons:

Share via email Share via Facebook Share via Twitter

These buttons allow you, in a matter of seconds, to bring something of interest on imutual to the attention of your friends and contacts. The buttons are set-up to generate messages via email, Facebook or Twitter, but you can also use them to generate links for posting elsewhere such as on forums, blogs, review sites etc

Each of these options creates a special 'short link' to the page you are sharing


Your referral link is embedded in every link you share in this manner, so for everyone who joins imutual after clicking on your link you stand to receive referral shares.

In addition to referral shares, we also recognise your efforts to share imutual content by awarding stars - Sharing Stars

Remember, it's in your interest to tell as many people as you can about imutual. As our membership grows, we can provide better offers and savings and the value of your company will increase!

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